Video Transcription
Hi, this is a Deetra with Now Property Investments. Today I’d like to tell you how you know, your house is outdated, or needs an updating. One of the ways to determine that your house is probably outdated is if your appliances are green or gold, or you don’t have any.
Another way is if you have that 70 shag carpeting, not the new fashionable centerpiece shag carpet, but I mean carpet all over your house shag, that says it’s out of date.
And the third way of knowing that your house is probably out of date and needs some updating is some gold and burgundy walls. Those things were in in the eighties. The jewel tones are gone now.
Now on a more serious note, if you feel like your home is outdated and you don’t want to bother to do updates or have contractors come in and do anything to improve your home, Now Property Investments can help you find a realtor and a lender, and we can purchase your home. Give us a call at (214) 744-3491 or go to our website at NOW Property Investments