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Why Isn’t My House Selling in Dallas

Why do some homes sell right away? Why do some sit on the market for months at a time? And why isn’t your house selling? In our latest post, we will help you to consider some reasons why your house isn’t selling, and what you can do about it! Selling a home takes work. It … Continued

6 Tips to Help You Downsize Your House in Dallas

Downsizing can be overwhelming when deciding what to keep and what must go. Younger families turn to downsize to save money and make a smaller environmental footprint. While older homeowners may find they have much too much house, full of unoccupied rooms that now only add to the dusting workload. Any task can be made … Continued

5 Things to Know About Buying Foreclosure Properties in Texas

Diversity is the key to cushioning your portfolio against economic downturns in any one sector of the real estate market. The profits to be made on homes in various stages of foreclosure are difficult for investors to ignore. However, to the inexperienced investor, the nuances of this market sector may seem daunting. Knowing when to … Continued

3 Unconventional Ways to Sell Your House in Dallas

Are you thinking of selling? Hold the phone! Don’t call the real estate agent yet. The traditional real estate market is not a perfect fit for every property or seller, for that matter. The industry standards for listing homes have evolved; staging properties and high-quality digital imagery now highlight every detail. If your home does … Continued

5 Ways to Stop Foreclosure in Texas

Foreclosures are not a sudden event; there is a lot of warning before the lender implements the final procedure. Putting your head in the sand and hiding from your problems is the worst thing you could do regarding financial issues. Instead, it is always better to face your problems head-on and make the best choice … Continued

How to Estimate Repairs When Selling Your House in Dallas

A necessary part of the process is the inspection when you are selling your home, and for many sellers, this fact causes many a restless night. However, facing the issue head-on will allow you to understand what you are up against financially in total expenses for the repairs. Three estimates are typically enough to make … Continued

5 Tips for Investors Looking for Probate Properties in Texas

Looking for probate properties in Texas? Inheriting a property might sound fantastic, but the reality for most is far from enjoyable. Often, none of the heirs are interested in living on the property, and few enjoy paying the bills for the property as the probate process drags on. At this point, beneficiaries have two options: … Continued

What If My House Won’t Sell During A Divorce in Dallas?

If you’re going through a divorce and you’re trying to sell a house, you might be wondering, “what if my house won’t sell during a divorce in Dallas?” That’s a good question to ask so be sure to read this blog post and we’ll share our best answer with you… A divorce can be a … Continued

5 Things You Should Know About Inheriting a Property in Dallas

How exciting! You’ve inherited a house! But wait, not so fast.  Without giving it much thought, many consider inheriting a house a windfall. However, the reality is that you may be inheriting a sinking ship that you’ll be responsible for, whether you can afford it or not. So while the best intentions may have motivated … Continued
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